All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  E.E. Kotsova

Affiliation:  Northern (Arctic) Federal University

Abstract:  The article deals with the immediate problem of the adaptation of English loan words-agnonyms of the early 21st century in Russian lexis.
The loan words analysis is being carried out from the point of view of nominative demands of the target language, from that of comprehending their meanings by an average native speaker, as well as of the role mass media play in explaining meanings of these words. In the course of analysis it was found out that the representatives of concepts formed in the source language are only English words loaned together with the phenomenon or thing. One more group of English loan words verbalize a concept, al-ready existing in the Russian language and represented by a several word naming unit, in one word. Al-ternatives having synonyms in the Russian language do not represent new formats of knowledge. This is a redundant group of loan words often used in vernacular.
Many new English loan words have not been codified by the Russian language dictionaries yet and they are not clarified in mass media texts, which leads to communicative failures, creates a com-municative barrier in perception of a text by the general reader, thus not filling the gap in collective knowledge. The socio-linguistic questionnaire results have shown that many of these words are ag-nonyms for native Russian speakers of different age groups. Further monitoring of structure and se-mantic adaptation of new English loan words as means of conceptual-speech interaction in communica-tion processes is necessary.
In the process of adaptation of such loan words new structures of knowledge standing behind them are formed and the vocabulary of Russian native speakers is extended.

Keywords:  semantic adaptation, English loan word, agnonym, sociolinguistic survey,
communicative failure, language reflexive.

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For citation:  Kotsova, E. E. (2019). Semantic adaptation of English loan words-agnonyms in Russian lexis // Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 2, 139-146. (In Russ.).

Pages:  139-146

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