All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  E.D. Stolyar

Affiliation:  Belgorod State National Research University

Abstract:  The article examines conditions of value meaning creation in language on the basis of explaining such complex cognitive processes as value categorization and value conceptualization.
This work aims at identifying value category as a complex structure of the level of mental repre-sentation which forms the basis for value meaning creation in language. It implies the complex study of ways of representing value concepts and categories not only in the static aspect but also in dynamics, in the moment of value meaning creation.
The work has been carried out on the basis of the complex method including conceptual and con-textual analysis, cognitive modeling, dictionary definition analysis. Such principles of category for-mation as: family similarity, invariant-variants, prototypical the author considered as fundamental in the study of evaluation categorization.
As a result of the study the author managed to distinguish two types of value categorization: value categorization based on the definite reference and value categorization based on the abstract reference. Within these types of value categorization the article presents the main cognitive and language mechanisms of value meaning creation in language and observes the relative nature of value concepts and categories. It also analyses the basic principles of formation and structure of value concepts and categories.
The research results can be used for investigating the other types of complex knowledge.

Keywords:  value concept, value category, value conceptualization, relativity of value concept,
subjective factor in valuation, cognitive and language mechanisms, language representation.

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For citation:  Stolyar, E. D. (2019). Value meaning creation in language // Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 2, 41-48. (In Russ.).

Pages:  41-48

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