Author: R.A. Suleymanova
Affiliation: Order of the Badge of Honour Institute of History, Language and Literature of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The need to study the Bashkir anthroponymics is associated with the identification of the system of national values of Bashkir surnames, dating back to the names of animals and birds.
The study of Bashkir surnames, based on totemic beliefs and going back to names that are obsolete and absent in the Bashkir nominalization, determines the relevance of this article
The author aims at identifying the role of a totem in the origin of Bashkir surnames. The novelty of the article lies in the study of the characteristics of the origin of Bashkir surnames among the first. It contains the most comprehensive analysis of Bashkir surnames, derived from the ancient Türkic personal names, dating back to the names of animals and birds, in linguoculturological and etymological aspects using descriptive, statistical methods based on factual materials. As the statistics show, in the list under consideration, surnames associated with the names of domestic animals prevail. Among them are widely used onyms with components et, ks, k, kүbәk. Among the names that go back to the names of wild animals, the anthroponyms Arslanov, Kiikbayev, Syrtlanov, Yulbarisov are the most common, and among the names from the names of birds are Lachinov, Tuygunov, Shunkarov.
As the analysis showed, in the origin of the Bashkir surnames, recorded in the official lists about the service of officials of the Bashkir-Mescheryak army for 1836–1842, the totems of the home played a major role (these are a “dog”, a kysök “puppy”, a “horse”, kuj ” kind of sheep ', buғa' taurus ', nar 'one-humped camel; Dromedar', aryҫlan 'lion', barys 'leopard', yulbaryҫ 'tiger', bүré 'wolf', ayyu 'bear', tulkö 'fox', kyuan 'hare', һelәүһen 'lynx, hyrtlan 'jackal', kөngөr 'kangaroo', ilek 'roe deer, qaplan' leopard ' animals, and also birds (ylyasyn 'falcon', balapan 'hawk nestling', yabalaҡ 'owl', shoŋkar 'gyrfalcon', burkkat 'golden eagle, eagle', torotomtai 'bird species ', aqqosh 'swan', koson / kohon 'raven').
Keywords: historical anthroponymy, surname, totem, linguoculturology, etymology.
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For citation: Suleymanova, R. A. (2019). Bashkir names with totemistic basis: linguo-culturological and etymological aspects. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 3, 128-134. (In Russ.).
Pages: 128-134