All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  N.Yu. Borodulina, M.N. Makeyeva, O.A. Glivenkova

Affiliation:  Tambov State Technical University

Abstract:  The authors analyze metaphorical models involved in shaping the world view of economics and classify them in line with cognitive linguistics on the material of Russian, English and French languages. The goal is to demonstrate and systematize the terminological potential and axiological background of the economic lexicon metaphors.
The study is conducted in a multidimensional perspective: cognitive linguistics, corpus linguistics, Internet linguistics, modern communication, sociolinguistics, axiology and takes into account the genre specificity of communication. The authors point out that the metaphorical world view of economics is reflected in the language by metaphors-terms and metaphors-not terms.

The results of economic contexts processing using the content analysis method are summarized in a table representing the systematization of metaphorical models characterizing the economic world view. The table is supplied with examples in Russian, English and French, as well as with an indication of the national and cultural specifics of the models. Interpretation of the received information led to the conclusion that there is a common and specific in the metaphorical views of the Russian, English and French languages of economy. The research highlights the formation of the metaphorical view of the economic world and its evolution trends in the diachronic aspect.

Keywords:  metaphor, metaphorical world view of economics, metaphorical model, conceptualization, axiology, term.

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For citation:  Borodulina, N. Yu., Makeyeva, M. N., & Glivenkova, O. A. (2019). Metaphorical world view of economics. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 3, 14-25. (In Russ.).

Pages:  14-25

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