Author: V.M. Amirov, T.A. Glebovich
Affiliation: Ural Federal University
The article is devoted to the consideration of victim’s images in the discourse of armed conflicts. The subject matter of the research is the process of constructing images and the transmission of emotions corresponding to the images. The article’s empirical basis is media materials representing the events of local wars in Afghanistan and the North Caucasus. The phenomenological characteristics of the emotional trauma attributes of the materials make it possible to reinterpret the processes of influencing the reader’s mind, which do not always depend on the author’s will or intention of the text. The analysis of emotional trauma phenomenon is determining the academic novelty of work in the context of discursive media research.
The identification and analysis of the image structure’s components and ways of their emotional realization within the framework of discourse are the goal of this study. To achieve the goal, methods of critical discourse analysis were used, including procedures for analyzing the content and form, interpretation and explanation, and elements of the analysis of the deep structure of the text, which allows identifying the basic values and norms that were subjected to transformations and revision.
The result of the study was the identification of strategies for constructing images of victims, destroying the traditional scripts of military discourse and cognitive models of readers’ interpretation. In addition, the study led us to the conclusion about interpretative and influential potential of the emotional trauma phenomenon and its affecting subsequent social practices.
The results of the research can be used in the practice of creating journalistic texts within the framework of the discursive practice of armed conflicts – in a broader sense conflicts of any etiology – as well as teaching specialized disciplines in the field of Journalism.
Keywords: conflict, victim, image, emotional trauma phenomenon.
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For citation: Amirov, V. M., & Glebovich, T. A. (2019). The emotional trauma phenomenon and victim’s image constructing in the journalistic discourse of contemporary armed conflicts. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 3, 53-62. (In Russ.).
Pages: 53-62