All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  E.A. Kozlova

Affiliation:  Vyatka State Agricultural Academy

Abstract:  In the process of persuasion methods of cognitive linguistics help to assess the perceiving side more deeply, since it explores the relationship between the cognitive structure of knowledge and the units of language. In this regard, for the success of the argument it is necessary to study the system of presuppositions of the addressee and then build a dialogue with him, using the most appropriate and effective arguments in a particular case.
The author draws attention to the importance of studying logical presuppositions, since during the speech influence logical connections are more amenable to correction with the help of arguments aimed at pragmatic presuppositions. The very system of human values (pragmatic presuppositions) in the dialogue is difficult to correct. Thus, logical presuppositions are a tool of the pragmatic approach to presuppositions.
By logical presuppositions the author understands the communicant’s knowledge of logical (cause-and-effect) connections and his/her ability to build these connections. The author proposes the study of logical presuppositions (connections) by identifying logical relationships in perlocutive texts and describes an experiment testing this hypothesis.

Keywords:  speech influence, persuasion, logical presuppositions.

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For citation:  Kozlova, E. A. (2019). The logical presuppositions in the pragmatic aspect of argumentation. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 3, 135-140. (In Russ.).

Pages:  135-140

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