All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  F.I. Pankov, I.V. Tresorukova

Affiliation:  Lomonosov Moscow State University

Abstract:  The article provides a comparative analysis of the representatives of national linguistic world view: the Russian verb «делать» and its Modern Greek counterpart «κάνω», as well as their collocations in both languages.
The aim of this work is to identify the functional features of such universal lexical-grammatical phenomenon as all-purpose verbs.
The main arguments are as follows: 1) the presence of lexemes motivated by pronouns that function as verbal substitutes; 2) the realization in speech of not only lexical, but also lexical-semantic variants of the Russian verb «делать» and Modern Greek «κάνω»; 3) the verb «делать» / «κάνω» as a part of wh-questions; 4) the role of desemantized explicator verbs as part of descriptive predicates.
As follows from the analysis, it is for the first time that the categorial class of all-purpose verbs has been considered as a phenomenon with a semantic field arrangement that includes its core, the next-to-core zone, the nearest and distant periphery. Verbs with deictic roots including obscene ones refer to the core of the semantic field, both «делать» / «κάνω» belong to the next-to-core zone, in the nearest periphery, we localize desemantized verbs explicators, while in the distant periphery we put the verbs under consideration as part of different phraseological units.
The article offers the following semantic classes of phraseological units containing the all-purpose verb «делать»/«κάνω»: 1) describing a person’s character or behavior; 2) describing social relationships; 3) emotional and evaluative meanings; 4) describing a person’s appearance.

Keywords:  all-purpose verbs, to do, phraseology, grammar, Russian language, Modern Greek language.

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For citation:  Pankov, F. I., & Tresorukova, I. V. (2019). Verbs with pronominal semantics as the representatives of the Russian and Greek linguistic world view: «делать» / «κανω». Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 3, 96-102. (In Russ.).

Pages:  96-102

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