All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  А.L. Sharandin

Abstract:  The article is devoted to understanding the categorical nature and linguistic status of units of syntactic derivation, the composition and conceptual content of which are ambiguously presented by researchers.
Transformation acts as a linguistic mechanism of syntactic derivation. The author considers the categorical nature of the hybrid forms of the Russian verb, which includes knowledge of the primary and secondary syntactic functions of parts of speech. The linguistic status of the deverbatives and the statives is unconventionally presented: they are qualified as cognitive communicative-discursive forms of the verb and are the result of the interaction of the verb with other parts of speech. This means that they do not participate in the lexical classification of words, but structure the conceptual content of the lexeme. In categorical terms, such syntactic derivatives as the participle, the participle and the deverbative are in the same row.
Knowledge, reflected in word forms (morphological derivation) and transformations (syntactic derivation), have a different nature. Word forms demonstrate knowledge of the relationship between words as part of a sentence. Transformations contain knowledge of the primary and secondary syntactic functions of parts of speech. In categorical terms, the transforms possess such property as hybridity: in linguistic literature, they are characterized as “hybrid language signs” or as “contradictory signs.” Hybrid formations have lexical meanings that are structured not only by the grammatical categories of the verb, but also by other parts of speech. From the point of view of language as cognitive activity, hybridity can be considered as a phenomenon of polycategorization in the sphere of transforms.
The syntactic derivatives make it possible to uncover dynamic processes in the system of parts of speech evoked due to the dynamic nature of conceptualization and categorization.

Keywords:  syntactic and lexical derivation, inflection and transformation,
cognitive communicative-discursive forms of the verb.

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For citation:  Sharandin, А. L. (2019). Categorial nature and language status of syntactic derivation (based on the Russian verb material). Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 4, 28-36. (In Russ.).

Pages:  28-36

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