All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  L.A. Kozlova

Affiliation:  Altai State Pedagogical University

Abstract:  The article presents an attempt to view the phenomenon of language economy in the cognitive aspect. One of the basic assumptions of cognitive linguistics is the thesis that language is a ‘window into consciousness’, hence the analysis of language facts in the cognitive aspect helps to reveal the cognitive processes which underlie our speech activity. Starting from this assumption the author argues that it is possible to consider the syntactic structures and fragments of discourse characterized by language and speech economy as the manifestation of economy principle on the cognitive level, which enables to point out the existence of ellipsis as a mechanism of economy on the lingual, communicative and cognitive
The analysis of the material based on the methods of semantic interpretation and inference allows the author to conclude that the realization of the economy principle becomes possible due to the shared knowledge which enables to express meaning without its verbal explication. Nonverbal means such as gestures, facial expression and pauses also contribute to the realization of economy principle as using these means enables the speaker not to explicate meaning verbally.
The author suggests that the realization of economy principle is largely determined by the specificity of culture: a greater amount of shared knowledge, characteristic of high-context cultures creates more ground for cognitive economy whereas a smaller amount of shared knowledge characteristic of low-context cultures determines a larger degree of meaning explication.

Keywords:  language economy, cognitive economy, cognitive approach, common (shared) knowledge, ellipsis.

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For citation:  Kozlova, L. A. (2019). Cognitive economy and its manifestation in language and communication. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 4, 37-45. (In Russ.).

Pages:  37-45

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