All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  N.V. Mongilyova1, A.P. Chudinov2

Affiliation:  1 Akhmet Baitursynov Kostanai State University, 2 Ural State Pedagogical University

Abstract:  The article aims at studying the narrative about jealousy in three linguocultures (French, Russian and Kazakh) through a comparative analysis of Event Structure Metaphor. The authors defined the Event Metaphor variant by image schemes in metaphor meanings and applied a cultural comment for eliminating semantic lacunae. The analysis shows orientation of the narrative at one preferable event structure metaphor variant that corresponds to underlying cultural foundations and “so they say” canons.
French narrative is oriented at EVENT – LOCATION, and successful relationships are conceived as RELATIONSHIPS – MOVEMENT TO MUTUAL AIMS. Jealousy is a CONTAINER which both a subject and their partner need to leave.
Concepts of good relationships in Russian linguoculture are structured by the metaphor EVENT – OBJECT in which such terms as possession / holding are acceptable. General emotional experience is of the greatest value. It is conceptualised as OBJECT, jealousy being a disagreeable object.
Contemplativeness, integration of social interaction into natural laws, common for oriental cultures, are embodied in Kazakh narrative about jealousy as orientation at the internal state of the subject. Narrative events are structured by the NATURAL CAUSATION model. Problem solution is a change or rebirth of the subject. Emphasis is made on the consequences of the subject’s actions for a group.

Keywords:  event structure metaphor, logic of culture, narrative about jealousy, Russian linguoculture,
French linguoculture, Kazakh linguoculture.

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For citation:  Mongilyova, N. V., & Chudinov, A. P. (2019). Event Structure Metaphor as a cultural code in the narrative about jealousy. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 4, 87-95. (In Russ.).

Pages:  87-95

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