All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  M.I. Kiose

Affiliation:  Moscow State Linguistic University

Abstract:  The article explores the process of tuning linguistic creativity skills in its parameters and techniques which are exploited in the discourse of children’s literature. The research focuses on figurative means of linguistic creativity, such as indirect names, verbs, adjectives as well as indirect comparisons typical of the best children’s fiction discourse for pre-school and secondary school children.
Statistic analysis helps reveal distinctive cognitive and linguistic parameters which obviously contribute to tuning the linguistic creativity skills in figurative language interpretation. The author annotated the text fragments using 57 tested parameters which comprise the parameters of linguistic creativity in written texts, the parameters of focusing and figurative language parameters. The results demonstrate the specifics of parameters implementation and their comparative frequency in two contrasting groups.
We finally detect both age-independent and age-dominant tuning techniques with the latter being only partially concordant with the children’s language bootstrapping techniques. The tuning techniques which the authors unintentionally although very intuitively and professionally select navigate the children in the process of reference interpretation of discourse figurative language and boost their linguistic creativity skills.
The results are applicable in text expertise and linguistic creativity skills assessment.

Keywords:  linguistic creativity, figurative language, child language development, parametrization,
tuning parameters and techniques, discourse of children’s literature.

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Acknowledgments:  The research is carried out in the Institute of Linguistics of Russian Academy of Sciences and is financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Humanities, project No. 19-18-00040.

For citation:  Kiose, M. I. (2019). Lingustic creativity in the discourse of children’s literature: tuning parameters and techniques. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 4, 66-76. (In Russ.).

Pages:  66-76

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