All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  E.G. Loginova

Affiliation:  Ryazan State University named for S. Yesenin

Abstract:  The paper continues the investigation of semiotic resonance in monomodal and multimodal communicative contexts. The author focuses on code metamorphoses that take place during the transition of monomodal discourse (play) to its multimodal representation (theatrical performance) exemplified by N. Sadur’s “The Odd Woman” (1982) and a theatrical performance staged by “On the chairs” theater (2013).
The aim of the research is to single out the models which account not only for visualization of a verbal component but also for amplification of meaning and emergence of new semantic projections during the play-theatrical performance transformations.
Using the diagraph (first introduced by Du Bois in his works on dialogic syntax) as a method to analyze verbal correlations the author adapts it so as to analyze verbal-nonverbal correlations. The diagraph accompanied by semiotic analysis helps to define seven models that specify multimodal scenarios of semiotic resonance and thus show the mechanisms of communicative prominence as a phenomenon to describe meaning-construction in the discourse of drama.
Further application of this method to heterogeneous discourse analysis can reveal new types of correlations between different semiotic means responsible for embodiment of ideas in the process of dramatic communicative practices.

Keywords:  intrasemiotic resonance, intersemiotic resonance, resonating nucleus, semiotic correlations,
communicative resource, multimodal modeling, dramatic discourse.

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For citation:  Loginova, E. G. (2019). Semiotic resonance between a play and its theatrical performance. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 4, 54-65. (In Russ.).

Pages:  54-65

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