All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  L.I. Grishaeva

Affiliation:  Voronezh State University

Abstract:  The article analyzes a number of novels written by modern German-speaking writers and traces the properties of semantic and syntactic organization of the texts. These properties are viewed as signs of transformation of text generation techniques. The analysis focuses on specific aspects of textual macrostructure, namely, the themes of literary works, features of movement of a plot, appearance of new types of characters, a variety of language means used for the construction of fictional reality, penetration of techniques of mass media texts generation in the literary texts, and correlation between themes discussed in the novels with the modern agenda of public and mass media discourse. The author analyzes these tendencies against the background of features of language means used in different communicative contexts which can be unraveled by various methods in modern culture.
The study pays special attention to the correlation of problems discussed in a literary text and the issues important for language speakers and text readers. There is a cause-and-effect interrelation between the topics presented in literary texts with the help of traditional means and techniques, on the one hand, and the issues important for language speakers in their everyday life but not widely covered by mass media, on the other hand.
This perspective allows for interpreting changes in literary texts as being not only hybrids of various types of texts, but mostly as transformations of text generation techniques and as a way of overcoming explicit and implicit taboos existing in the German culture, as well as a strategy of breaking or overcoming such dominant cultural values as political correctness and tolerance, fostered in modern German culture.

Keywords:  language as a cultural code, type of text as a means of documentation of verbal
and cognitive activity, literary text, construction of fictional reality, text generation techniques,
semantic and syntactic macrostructure of the text.

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For citation:  Grishaeva, L. I. (2020).  A way of overcoming an implicit taboo or transformation of text generation techniques? Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 1, 56-68. (In Russ.).

Pages:  56-68

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