All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  G.L. Denisova

Affiliation:  Togliatti State University

Abstract:  The article studies political cartoons created during the Great Patriotic War with the view of finding out their distinctive characteristics determined by the addresser’s appeal to the Russian language personality. The author uses the concept of the language personality to study research directions for an indication of the addressee in the message. There are three levels in the structure of the language personality: lexicon, thesaurus and pragmaticon, each of which is characterized by its own set of units and relations between them. This causes the use of a variety of research methods to take an integrated approach in the article: conceptual, definitional, semantic, contextual analysis.
The analysis of political cartoons of the Great Patriotic War reveals a number of features indicating the appeal of the addresser to the Russian language personality.
First, messages are based on concepts that determine living and cultural space of the Russians, their national identity and singularity. The sources of such concepts are (1) knowledge of Russian history including knowledge of the main historical events and related historical figures; (2) knowledge of Russian life realities modern for the time of creating the message in the form of a political cartoon and of projecting such realities onto certain periods in the history of Russia; (3) stereotypes of behavior on the addressee’s brain, national concepts, including original ideas defined by national traditions and Slavic rites; (4) Russian songs that remain in the memory of the Russian language personality in all entirety, including their melody, tone and manner of performing them; (5) literary and art works of national culture as sources of characters and situations reflected in them.
Second, the messages are based on the linguistic competence of the Russian language personality. It manifests itself in using Russian phraseological units, proverbs, informal, colloquial, pejorative lexemes, in the play on the direct and figurative meanings of the word, in creating associative links to concepts with the help of visual metaphors.

Keywords:  addressee of the message, Russian language personality, national cultural space, concept,
background knowledge, political cartoon, the Great Patriotic War.

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For citation:  Denisova, G. L. (2020). Appeal of the Great Patriotic War cartoons to the Russian language personality. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 1, 78-86. (In Russ.).

Pages:  78-86

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