All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  A.G. Yuldashev

Affiliation:  Uzbek State World Languages University

Abstract:  This article is devoted to the interrelationship of a language, thought and the role of idiomatic units in it. In particular, the analysis of the idiomatic language units helps to define that they actively take part in forming the linguistic worldview and acquire cultural-specific features.
However, the idiomatic units are not formed spontaneously, they are based on the interpretation of the knowledge of the world. People who speak different languages cognize the world differently. The study of idiomatic units allows to determine what feature of the subject is реrceived as distinct and specific. A person compares and evaluates the situation on the basis of the knowledge acquired by him; the mental structure is dressed in a linguistic “garment” that creates specific national coloring.
Thus, a combination of ways to understand, to cognize and categorize the world and the interpretation of the knowledge of the world results in forming unique idiomatic units of the language respecting culture, customs and history of a linguistic community.

Keywords:  idiomatic units, motivation, conceptual worldview, linguistic worldview, concept,
conceptual metaphor, conceptual metonymy.

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For citation:  Yuldashev, A. G. (2020). Idiomaticity of the Uzbek linguistic worldview. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 1, 130-135.
(In Russ.).

Pages:  130-135

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