All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  E.I. Golovanova, Yu.I. Korsakova

Affiliation:  Chelyabinsk State University

Abstract:  The article reveals the results of the analysis of phatic discourse markers, expressed by verbs of auditory, visual and mental perception in the Russian and Belarussian languages.
The study is based on the material of the Parallel Belarussian corpus of the Russian National Corpus. The authors examined correlative verbs in two languages belonging to the groups mentioned above, and revealed differences in their functioning.
The auditory perception verbs associated with the expression of specific meanings are characterized by a higher frequency of use as phatic discourse markers compared to similar verbs of broad semantics. The greatest variety of correlations in two languages is demonstrated by the verbs of visual and mental perception, which act as discourse markers.
The analysis made it possible not only to identify parallels in closely related languages, but also to detect inconsistencies and ambiguities in interpreting desemantized units that are correlated in the context.

Keywords:  discourse marker, context, phatic function, functional semantics, Russian, Belarussian.

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Acknowledgments:  The research is financially supported by the Foundation for Advanced Scientific Research Chelyabinsk State University, project “Study of the mechanisms of language interpretation in various types of discourse”.

For citation:  Golovanova, E. I., & Korsakova, Yu. I. (2020). Phatic discourse markers in Russian and Belarussian languages (semantics and functioning). Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 1, 87-93. (In Russ.).

Pages:  87-93

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