All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  I.A. Marinchenko

Affiliation:  Far Eastern Federal University

Abstract:  The subject matter of the study are verbs with positional semantics identified in the texts of online reviews of perfumes. Their analysis of these verbs is correlated with the aspect-causative type of each verb. The aim of the work is to describe the secondary meanings of positional verbs in perfumery discourse.
Examination of the contexts of use in the texts of reviews on the perfume of the verb to sit allowed to reveal the following meanings: ‘suit someone’, ‘manifest in some way’, ‘be static, motionless’, ‘exist for a certain period of time’, ‘tightly contact with surface’.
Positional verbs with the initial meaning of ‘entering the state of’ have a common meaning ‘acquire certain stable qualities some time after application’.
Verbs with the initial meaning of causation of entering a state of in perfume discourse acquire the secondary meaning of ‘violent transformation’ produced by the subject of the action in relation to the object. The subject is trying to achieve an acceptable ‘sound’ flavor.
Thus, the positional meanings of the described verbs are neutralized and actualized only in metaphorical contexts.
The analysis allows us to argue that the secondary values of the positional verbs in the perfumery discourse are due both to the properties of the characterized object itself and to the linguocultural community’s ideas about it.

Keywords:  : perfume discourse, positional verbs, secondary meaning, aspect-causative verb types, cognitive context

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For citation:  Marinchenko, I. A. (2020). Secondary meanings of verbs with positonal semantics in perfumery discourse. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 1, 49-55. (In Russ.).

Pages:  49-55

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