All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  N.A. Ryabchenko, O.P. Malysheva

Affiliation:  Kuban State University

Abstract:  The alterations in the socio-political, information and communication spaces result in socio-cognitive transformations of the recent years. They manifest themselves in novel mechanisms and the format of production, reproduction and dissemination of digital political content in the online space, thus affecting modern political communication.
The article explores the way digital political content is creolized so as to enhance the pragmatic potential of political communication, and reveals constructive and destructive potential of digital creolized political content, which can virally spread in the form of information cascades, as regards its ability to initiate social action.
In the study we use hybrid methodology – network and relational sociology approach, linguo-discursive and folksonomy analysis – to analyze the data retrieved from Twitter social media platform.
The obtained results allowed to identify fragmented, digressive, polyline, multimodal and polychannel nature of modern political communication in the online space. The findings also prove that online users, as the actors of political communication, reject critical attitude to the sources of information they use, which leads to destructive practices of public engagement and mass consciousness manipulation via discursive management.
Thus, the development of new mechanisms of directing discourses in the online space through political content management is highly warranted.

Keywords:  political communication; the online space; digital creolized political content;
fragmentary, progressively digressive, polylinear, multimodal and polychannel nature of political communication;
post-truth era; fake news.

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Acknowledgments:  The research is financially supported by The Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Department of Humanitarian and Social Science), the research project no. 18-011-00910 at Kuban State University.

For citation:  Ryabchenko, N. A., & Malysheva, O. P. (2020). Characteristic features of modern political communication in the online-space. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 2, 101-113. (In Russ.).

Pages:  101-113

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