All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  V.M. Amirov, T.A. Glebovich

Affiliation:  Ural Federal University

Abstract:  The empirical base of the work is 30 media materials selected by the keywords “gypsies”, “gypsy crime”, “incidents related to gypsies”. These materials were published from 2016 to 2019.
The study of strategies used for constructing a negative image of the Gypsy people is an urgent problem, since media discourse has a definite impact on socio-political processes, public opinion and inter-ethnic interaction. Negative strategies for creating an unfriendly image of a national minority play a significant role in media moderation of interethnic conflicts.
National and foreign discursive studies of social and political processes in the media agenda, as well as works on the formation of the image of enemies in a media text constituted the theoretical and methodological basis of the work. Media materials were analyzed from the standpoint of a cognitive approach to the discursive representation of social events, critical discourse analysis methods being also used.
The construction of an unfriendly image of Gypsies in media may provoke interethnic conflicts in society. The choice of strategies is determined by the political position of the media and the journalists who represent it, the local goals of the material in the context of the current agenda in the period of publication.
Mass media use negative strategies: criminalization, stigmatization. These strategies problematize the image of gypsy society, personify the event, which became the basis of publication, turn social conflict into a personal drama.
Opposition media use strategies of objectification and individualization. State and pro-government mass media turn to rehabilitation strategies, equalize the rights of gypsies and representatives of other ethnic groups. This approach is a constructive solution in the field of media representation of one of the most complex national societies.

Keywords:  gypsies, image, construction, strategy, nationality, discourse.

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For citation:  Amirov, V. M., & Glebovich, T. A. (2020). “Gypsy subject” in Russian Media Agenda: the strategy of forming unfriendly image and the perspective for constructing interaction. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 2, 86-100. (In Russ.).

Pages:  86-100

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