All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  A.L. Los’

Affiliation:  National Research University of Electronic Technology

Abstract:  The article considers the stages of modelling “visual” as well as “auditory” situations, and the procedure of analyzing utterances, describing situations which can be perceived by sight and by ear on the basis of the Russian language.
Three types of situations which are described as perceived by an individual (the Observer) by sight and by ear are revealed: purely “visual” situations which can be only seen: Ya videl P / kak P
(I saw P / that P), purely “auditory” situations which can be only heard: Ya slyshal P / kak P (I heard P / that P) and complex “visul-auditory” situations which can either be seen or heard: :Ya videl / slyshal P / kak P (I saw / heard P / that P).
The research into combinability of the phrases Ya videl / slyshal (I saw / heard) with different verbal representations of the P event such as predicates, attributives and nomination objects revealed key parameters relevant for functioning and interacting of visual and auditory perception situations. These parameters include: the Observer as an individual perceiving the P event directly or implicitly; verbal realizations of the P event; the object perceived as the source of light or sound; and presupposition about acoustic / non-acoustic characteristics and nature of the sound producing.

Keywords:  linguistic modelling, visual and auditory perception, Observer, source of light / sound.

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For citation:  Los’, A. L. (2020). Linguuistic modelling of auditory and visual perception situations. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 2, 125-131. (In Russ.).

Pages:  125-131

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