All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  Sandeep Kumar Sharma & Sweta Sinha

Affiliation:  Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology

Abstract:  Several influential theories have been developed in cognitive linguistics to investigate the relationship between language and mind. Conceptual metaphor and conceptual blending, two distinct but closely related theories play a significant role in the process of meaning construction especially in metaphors and other figurative linguistic tools.

Metaphors are pervasively used in everyday conversation in the form of irony, satire and sarcasm, etc. where sarcasm projects profoundly negative intention. Hence, the present research studies the process of conceptualization of sarcasm and its functions with special reference to the Hindi language within the framework of conceptual metaphor and conceptual blending theories.

The study is an attempt to bridge the gap between computational studies of sarcasm and the theories underlying the phenomenon of perceiving sarcasm. The findings aim to provide a theoretical understanding of how Hindi sarcasm is perceived among native speakers.

Keywords:  cognitive linguistics, conceptual metaphor, conceptual blending, sarcasm, metaphors.

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For citation:  Sandeep Kumar Sharma & Sweta Sinha. (2020). A Cognitive Theoretical Investigation of Conceptualizing Hindi Sarcasm. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 3, 77-91.

Pages:  77-91

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