All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  M.P. Taymour

Affiliation:  Moscow State Linguistic University

Abstract:  The present study is devoted to investigating of mixed metaphor as a complex linguistic-cognitive phenomenon, which is analyzed by the author at various levels of abstraction (so called levels of image schemas, domains, frames, and mental spaces).

The main aim of this article is to identify the patterns of mixed metaphor and its subtype malaphor meaning formation, where a malaphor is seen as a random or intentional blending of two idioms / aphorisms / clichés. The problem is solved by means of a multilevel analysis of cognitive metaphor [Kövecses 2017, 2019] adapted for the analysis of mixed metaphor.

The examination of the process of the meaning formation of mixed metaphor and malaphor allows us to discover that in a mixed metaphor, conceptual metaphors at all considered levels of abstraction, participating in the formation of the constituents of a mixed metaphor, are present in the final mixed metaphor. That is, there takes place the combination of meanings at the levels of image schemas, domains, frames, and mental spaces.

In a malaphor, the conceptual metaphors of the original idioms that are present at the levels of image schemas, domains, and frames are preserved in the final blend. However, a conceptual metaphor at the level of mental spaces of the final malaphor differs from the conceptual metaphors that are located at the same level in the original expressions that make up the malaphor. This indicates that the general meaning of such malaphors is presumably not the sum of the meanings of its components, as is the case with a mixed metaphor, which may be considered as a certain regularity of meaning formation in malaphor.

Keywords:  mixed metaphor, conceptual metaphor theory, malaphor, cognitive dissonance, image schema,
domain, frame, mental space, linguistic creativity.

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For citation:  Taymour, M. P. (2020). Multi-level analysis of mixed metaphor as a lingvo-cognitive phenomenon (based on the material of the English language). Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 3, 71-76. (In Russ.).

Pages:  71-76

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