All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  D.М. Kireeva, T.V. Fedosova, N.I. Cherkaeva

Affiliation:  Gorno-Altaisk State University

Abstract:  The purpose of this paper is to identify specific features of media thinking represented in media comments, which are united by a common media topic: an outbreak of Covid-19 in China and its further spread. The research is based on the analysis of the English language media comments posted as reactions to the news by CNN, BBC, and WHO in Twitter for the time period of January up to March 2020.
In the study the authors use various general scientific (observation, generalization, classification) and linguistic methods including a content analysis as well as the cognitive and discourse analysis method.
The research resulted in the distribution of media comments according to four basic types: evaluative, imperative, etiquettical, and informational. The evaluative media comments (51 % out of the total number) express a protest against mass consciousness manipulation; skepsis; discredit to the official sources, as well as irony, indifference or fear. The imperative media comments (29 %) are in a wide range from advice and recommendations to categorical statements. The third type is etiquettical comments (11 %) expressing empathy and condolences. The fourth and the least frequent type of media comments is informational (9 %). The authors conclude that the research presents quite convincing evidence that the majority of emotions, feelings, and arguments of the media comments’ authors are of a unified, massively shared nature. The comments demonstrate the substitution of logic and common sense by irrational acceptance or rejection of the information, which is becoming even more emotionally evaluative.

Keywords:  media text, evaluative media comments, imperative media comments, etiquettical media comments,
informational media comments, cognitive work, media thinking.

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For citation:  Kireeva, D. М., Fedosova, T. V., & Cherkaeva, N. I. (2020). Media comment as a specific textual type representing media thinking. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 4, 73-80. (In Russ.).

Pages:  73-80

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