All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  V.M. Glushak, O.V. Printsipalova

Affiliation:  Moscow State Institute of International Relations

Abstract:  The article examines face-threatening nominations in German political discourse. The aim of the study is to reconstruct the model IMAGE, and then, on the basis of a broad context, to identify and systematize face-threatening nominations in the speech behavior of German politicians.
The main research method was the analysis of definitional structure of the lexeme “Image”. The German Bundestag meetings’ transcripts served the basic material for identified and analyzed nominations that are used by politicians to organize their speech behavior, aimed at maintaining their own positive image and discrediting their competing parties’ positive face.
The authors come up to the conclusion that model FACE is a multicomponent knowledge structure with dominants OBJECT, SUBJECT, MOTIVE, RESULT and PROCEDURES AND CONTENT OF ACTIVITIES. In order to discredit the positive image of his political opponents, the speaker accuses them of violating the values recognized in society that make up the model of FACE.
The results obtained can be used in further research when describing speech behavior in situations when the speaker is forced to perform verbal actions to restore his injured face and the face of his political party.

Keywords:  intentions, verbalization, nomination, face, face-threatening speech acts, political discourse.

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For citation:  Glushak, V. M., & Printsipalova, O. V. (2020). Verbalizing face-threatening intentions in German political discourse. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 4, 92-99. (In Russ.).

Pages:  92-99

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