All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  V.S. Kovaleva 1, O.E. Pokhalenkov 2, E.I. Shevarshinova 2

Affiliation:  1 Smolensk State University, 2 Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovski

Abstract:  The article considers event reportage as one of the journalistic genres, which is the most important component of the mass communication discourse. The authors focus on the features of the communicative strategies of modern event reportage. The proposed comparative analysis is carried out by considering English and Russian reports. Two main communicative strategies of modern event reportages are identified as objective transmission of the news and the impact on the recipient with the help of the author's commentary on the described event. The communicative strategies of English event reportage have a deliberately emphasized focus on objective coverage of events and maximum restraint of the assessments included in it, while the communicative strategies of Russian reportage are aimed not only at covering the event, but also to a greater extent at its emotional and evaluative perception. The research of communicative strategies and their speech specifics of modern event reportage created in different languages shows the national linguistic and extra linguistic features of this popular journalistic genre.

Keywords:  communication strategies, discourse, event reporting, speech specificity.

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For citation:  For citation: Kovaleva, V. S., Pokhalenkov, O. E, Shevarshinova, E. I. (2021). Communicative and speech strategies of modern event reportage. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 4, 99-108. (In Russ.).

Pages:  99-108

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