All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”

CONCEPTUAL CORRESPONDENCE AT DIFFERENT CONDITIONS OF INFORMATION CODING (based on experimental studies of hearing and with impaired hearing respondents)

CONCEPTUAL CORRESPONDENCE AT DIFFERENT CONDITIONS OF INFORMATION CODING (based on experimental studies of hearing and with impaired hearing respondents)

Author:  N.I. Kolodina¹, L.V. Babina², N.A. Kuksova²

Affiliation:  ¹Voronezh State Pedagogical University (Voronezh, Russia), ²Tambov State University (Tambov, Russia)

Abstract:  The article deals with developing an approach to studying the mechanism of interaction of secondary emotions and semantically similar concepts-scenarios in two groups. The authors analyze results of questioning the teenagers comparing two different levels of coding information. The aim of the work is to develop a methodology for establishing a conceptual correspondence between a secondary emotion as a concept and a concept-scenario, which is based on cognitive-associative connections.
The novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time the mechanism of forming a cognitive construct, including secondary emotions and semantically similar concepts-scenarios, is analyzed, and the levels of conceptual correspondence are established in the groups of hearing and with impaired hearing respondents. The methods to fulfill the tasks are: the method of questioning, which helps to collect reliable data in each group of subjects; the method of quantitative counting and ranking, which helps to bring the result to the identification of the range of values obtained; the comparison method is also used in identifying coincidences and differences in the results of two groups. The methodological algorithm of establishing a conceptual correspondence between a concept as secondary emotion and a concept-scenario is developed and consists of methods: the method of lexical analysis, the method of comparison of qualitative interactions when establishing a conceptual correspondence. Then conceptual correspondence is revealed according to three levels: complete conceptual correspondence, incomplete conceptual correspondence, lack of conceptual correspondence.
The results show the main nomination of secondary emotion “fear” revealed in two groups, the situation from the past experience (concept scenario) being the same as a description connected with being at altitude. Teenagers with the 1st and 2nd degree of deafness were able to establish cognitive-association links and, therefore, showed the ability to form a cognitive construct consisting of a nominated secondary emotion as a concept and concept-scenario. The teenagers with hearing impairments of the 3rd and 4th degrees didn’t cope with the task in establishing cognitive association links, since more serious hearing impairments seem to lead to impaired formation of cognitive-association connections and, as a result, cognitive constructs.
Accordingly, the formation of cognitive construct makes it possible to speak of a connection between a newly-learned phenomenon and past experience. The cognitive construct is established on the basis of the actualization of secondary emotion in two concepts. The data obtained can be used to correct and regulate cognitive-associative links between the concept and the similar concept-scenario.

Keywords:  level of conceptual correspondence, secondary emotion as a concept, concept scenario, hearing and hearing impaired respondents, questionnaire, methodology of conceptual correspondence, three levels of conceptual correspondence.

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Acknowledgments:  The research is financially supported by the Russian Science Foundation, project No. 20-18-00372.

For citation:  Kolodina, N. I., Babina, L. V.,  Kuksova, N. A. (2022). Conceptual correspondence at different conditions of information coding (based on experimental studies of hearing and with impaired hearing respondents). Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 1, 70-84. (In Russ.).

Pages:  70-84

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