Author: А.L. Sharandin
Affiliation: Derzhavin Tambov State University
The article presents a topical issue for the modern theory of language about the relationship between language and communication in the context of the outstanding syntaxist S.G. Ilyenko’s grammatical theory.
The author of the article substantiates the approach, according to which the sentence is not only a unit of the syntactic level, but also a part of communication as its integrated member. As a result, a holistic communicative-structural representation of syntax is formed both as a structural level (system-centric aspect) and as a communicative tool for use in interpersonal communication (anthropocentric aspect).
A cognitive view is presented on the fundamental difference between articulated and non-articulated sentences, which have a different nature of their formation – structural-semantic and communicative-semantic. But within the framework of the textual approach, their integration makes it possible to comprehend not so much the opposition of syntax and communication as different levels, but rather their interaction. This allows us to see in integration the main principle of describing the syntactic system – structural and communicative.
This position reflects the nature of the modern stage of scientific knowledge of the language and is in accordance with the concept of consistency in relation to syntax and communication.
syntax, communication, integration, sentence, predicativity, communicative axis, dialogic unity, discourse.
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For citation: Sharandin, А. L. (2023). Communicative-structural syntax as reflected in the interactions of system-centric and anthropocentric approaches to language. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 4, 67-77 (In Russ.).
Pages: 67-77