Author: L.A. Furs
Affiliation: Derzhavin Tambov State University
The article considers the principle of cognitive dynamics in the knowledge construction. This principle underlies various modification processes during the processing of knowledge by human consciousness and emphasizes the processuality of his mental activity.
The procedural nature of cognitive dynamics is provided by a person’s ability to process knowledge on the basis of associative links and patterns of cause-and-effect relationships. This principle is associated with the procedural function of metamemory and is activated when there is a complication of the structures of static declarative knowledge. The procedural function is represented by the metonymic, metaphorical and metaphtonymic construction of knowledge. In turn, the metaphtonymic model is characterized by metonymic or metaphorical expansion.
The operation of the principle of cognitive dynamics is illustrated by examples when a lexeme implements a secondary function in a context, when a linguistic unit is used as a part of a phraseological unit, as well as in the processes of modifying the categorial meaning of a verb and in the course of constructing evaluative knowledge represented by a syntactic construction. It also takes place in the construction of a polymodal text.
The processes of cognitive dynamism reflect the features of a person’s cognitive operations to process knowledge transmitted in communication. They reveal the connection of language with perception, memory, thinking, human experience, which, in turn, allows to show the specificity of human cognitive activity, which is not accessible to direct observation.
In general, the configuration of knowledge as a result of cognitive dynamism is a complex process regulated by both cognitive and metacognitive parameters.
Keywords: cognition, cognitive dynamics, declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge.
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For citation: Furs, L. A. (2021). Cognition and cognitive dynamics. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 3, 52-58. (In Russ.).
Pages: 52-58