Author: D.A. Kozhanov
Affiliation: Altai State Pedagogical University
The article analyses the cognitive mechanisms of interpretation of the literary text viewed in the context of discourse interaction.
As the article shows, being the elements of discourse, the cognitive structures determine the procedures of interpretation of the literary text. Viewed from the cognitive aspect, such interpretation consists in constituting new cognitive images in the reader’s mind on the basis of various discourse markers (scientific terms, syntactic patterns, etc.). The article demonstrates on the material of the English language the role of cognitive scripts, belonging to the scientific worldview, in arranging the plot of the literary text.
The phenomenon of interpretation finds its manifestation in filling in the slots of the cognitive script in the process of reading the text. Considering the semantic potential of scientific discourse markers, the author reveals the influence of the scientific worldview on the literary world picture.
The analysis of text fragments enables the author to conclude that the study of discourse interaction can prove useful in text analysis as it may help revealing the specificity of an author’s idiostyle and a reader’s interpretation of the text.
Keywords: cognitive script, interpretation, discourse interaction, discourse, conceptual picture of the world.
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For citation: Kozhanov, D. A. (2021). Cognitive script experiment in the worldview of literary text (based on Douglas Adams’ novel “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”). Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 3, 43-51. (In Russ.).
Pages: 43-51