Author: ¹A.V. Altoukhov, ²Z.N. Afinskaya
Affiliation: ¹«Archangel Ecosystem» LLC, ²Lomonosov Moscow State University
The improvement of the scientific image of the world is closely connected with the development of scientific terminology, with the understanding of its cognitive content. In this process, due to the metaphorical reinterpretation of terms, which is ensured by their semantic plasticity, their reinterpretation or secondary terminologization occurs. Metaphors construct a conceptual system of ordinary and, especially, scientific thinking. The purpose of the study is to highlight the problem of linguistic and cognitive characteristics of terms as a factor in the implementation of interdisciplinary knowledge.
The term ecosystem has entered the active circulation of the language of science, where the first element “eco” implies a conceptual connection with ecology. The purpose of the study is to consider the features of the linguocognitive aspect of the term ecosystem.
The term ecosystem (écosystème) has a wide range of uses in various scientific fields of knowledge in different national literary languages. Due to its semantic plasticity, it participates in the formation of new term concepts, developing the synergy of scientific thinking.
The meaning of a new term does not arise simply as the sum of the values of its term elements, although the meaning of each of them is preserved in it to a certain extent. Thus, the term concept ecosystem has become widespread in various spheres of human activity ((urban ecosystem, marine ecosystem, information ecosystem, entrepreneurship ecosystem, innovation ecosystem, museum ecosystem, narratology ecosystem, media space ecosystem, etc.). Terminology, thus, as a set of definitions of various aspects of scientific knowledge, becomes one of the important sections of cognitive linguistics.
A comparative analysis of French and Russian terminology allows us to highlight the problems of not only interdisciplinary connections within one national image of the world, but also to see the peculiarities of the formulation of terms taking into account the specifics of different national languages.
term, concept, formant, ecosystem.
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For citation: Altoukhov, A. V., Afinskaya, Z. N. (2021). On plasticity of the term ecosystem. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 3, 109-116. (In Russ.).
Pages: 109-116