Author: G.I. Berestnev
Affiliation: Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
The article launches a new approach to studying coincident proper names in different cultural conditions – names viewed in a synchronistic perspective, in the Jungian sense. The paper purports to answer a number of questions adding to the theory of language, depth psychology and cognitive science. The main research methods, such as cognitive analysis and reconstruction, allow recovering data on deep cognitive attitudes of a person and possible connections of his/her mental sphere with physical reality. In this regard, the functional and cognitive nature of proper names is analyzed. It is determined by a number of characteristics that form the basis for further research.
The paper further elaborates on the conditions and models of synchronistic coincidences of proper nouns (mostly personal names). The identified conditions and models are as follows: a) thematic seriality of personal names; b) their cross-matching; c) their systemic parallel matching; d) their complete coincidence in space and time; e) their promising coincidences in fortune telling; f) coincidence of ideal and real personal names; g) coincidences of personal names “framing” certain historical epochs; h) coincidences of proper names, removing the referential certainty of the named subjects.
The data presented in the article made it possible to make some generalizations and to outline research prospects in this area. First of all, researching proper names from the point of view of synchronistic coincidences allows us to have an insight into human cognition and shed light on its deep structure. In addition, such studies have interdisciplinary significance bringing cognitive linguistics and the fundamental sciences closer together. Finally, the analysis of synchronistic coincidences of proper names allows us to reconstruct some deep cognitive attitudes in the human psyche, demonstrating the unity of mental and physical realities. Even more promising in this regard is the unification of cognitive linguistics with other advanced scientific disciplines engaged in this issue.
Keywords: proper name, personal name, cognitive linguistics, synchronicity, event, context, reconstruction
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Acknowledgments: The research is financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant No. 19-012-00030, “Acausal semantic coincidences from the point of view of cognitive linguistics”.
For citation: Berestnev, G. I. (2021). Proper name in synchronistic coincidences. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 3, 75-87. (In Russ.).
Pages: 75-87