Author: A.I. Zolotaiko
Affiliation: Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
The article presents an analysis of intertextual references to the name of the American social-political movement “Black Lives Matter”.
By means of a wide selection method from the titles of media texts in the English-language segment of the Internet the author selects and considers four types of intertextual transformations of the nominations.
The first and second types of transformations focus on the adjective and noun. Its transformations include a change according to the principle of color analogy, its replacement with a possessive construction with a definition function, the use of verbal adjectives that convey a physical and emotional state, as well as a change in the grammatical category of the degree of comparison (from positive to comparative or superlative). The third type of transformation involves changing the grammatical features of the words within the nominations, replacing the verb “matter” with a verb with a different meaning and simultaneously transforming lexical and grammatical features.
The last application of the text is to expand it by including the components of negation in the structure of the nomination.
In conclusion, it is stated that variations in the name of the movement contribute to the segregation of population groups due to a clear delineation of the signs of a “socially approved and accepted” category of persons (defined by race, gender, age, orientation, condition).
Keywords: Black Lives Matter, intertextuality, precedent text, political discourse, internet discourse
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For citation: Zolotaiko, A. I (2021). Transformations of the precedent text LIVES MATTER in the American internet discourse. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 3, 103-108. (In Russ.).
Pages: 103-108