All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  S.A. Vinogradova

Affiliation:  Murmansk State Humanities University


The Russian branch of cognitive linguistics is characterized by a certain succession of semantic and psycholinguistic research perspectives within the new cognitive paradigm. This fact calls for a distinction to be drawn between the notions of ‘meaning’ and ‘concept’ elaborated in all the relevant branches. 
The theory of lexical meaning developed in semantics by M.V. Nikitin includes in its structure the implicational part of meaning, which embraces the potential properties that are not compulsory and that constitute a periphery of the informational potential of the word. The implicational is liable to be determined by, and vary according to the context, depending upon its structure.
A similar idea was put forward by I.A. Sternin who focuses on the psychologically real meaning, comprising the whole range of human psychophysical activity, the totality of material and spiritual experience.
The relation between concept and meaning is the territory where the cognitive space of mind is contiguous with the linguistic mind, where the word opens the way to the concept, where the semantic system of language is correlated to the cognitive structure of mind. As the scope of ‘meaning’ is increasingly widened to eventually embrace the totality of human experience, both semantics and psycholinguistics merge with cognitive linguistics studying concepts.
A viable variant of distinguishing between ‘meaning’ and ‘concept’ may be adopting a narrower (lexicographical) interpretation of the term ‘lexical meaning’ where what is taken to be ‘meaning’ is the part of the concept fixed in language usage and reducible to a definition.

Keywords:  meaning, concept, semantics, cognitive linguistics

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Pages:  50-55

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