All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  M.M. Mushchinina

Affiliation:  Institute of Slavistics of University of Mainz, Germany


The paper describes some of the factors that affect the recognition of the precedent texts (PT) and that are, generally, insufficiently taken into account for analyzing the perception of such texts. 
The study primarily focuses on the phenomenon of intertextual disposition, that means signals that allow the recipient to establish a connection between the text that he or she reads or listens to and the previously known texts. Not only does the knowledge of the PT have an impact on the process of recognition, but other factors too, such as situational factors that can help or hinder the recognition of the text, as well as the purely formal qualities of the PT itself. To illustrate this process, we chose allusions to well-known phrases from the Russian classical literature, frequently used in the Russian press.
The purpose of the surveys presented in this paper were (1) to describe the factors influencing the process of perception, and, (2) basing our observations on the empirical survey data, to give a closer look at how the formal PT factors affect the recognition. In particular, it could be concluded that the following factors affect the recognizability positively: low lexical and/or syntactic distribution of (initial) elements, their lexical compatibility, as well as the number of elements of the PT that remain unchanged. 
Thus, the paper is a contribution to the studies of the mechanisms of recognition in the language.

Keywords:  intertextual disposition, precedent text, allusion, lexical and semantic structure, recognizability

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Pages:  119-125

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