All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  A.S. Shcherbak

Affiliation:  Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin

Abstract:  The articleshows dialect words and their forms that serve as a tool of representation of onomastic knowledge, as dialect concepts mark the sphere of concepts of regional onyms. This lets us make up conceptual basis for creating such opposition as dialect/literary language in regional anthroponyms.
The topic of the research is connected with studying the cognitive nature of personal names which helps to identify onomastics within the framework of cognitive linguistics.
The difficulties that can be brought out in discussing the ontology of personal names concern their role in individuals’ consciousness which has not so often been the object of studying in a cognitive paradigm.
While comparing the meanings of regional personal names with dialect lexical material the author uses the etymological analysis, the method of cognitive interpretation and the analysis of the linguistic data involved in representing the anthroponymic knowledge.
The results the author comes up to serve a proof of the conceptual content of anthropolexemes represented by the anthroponyms formed and distinguished on the basis of dialect knowledge. The paper also supports the idea of anthroponyms (names and surnames) retaining special structures of knowledge and acting out as bearers and translators of the historic and local ethnic knowledge thus treasuring up the linguo-cultural heritage of the nation.
The area of using the results of the research extends so far as the creation of lecture courses in lexicology, Russian dialectology, linguistic culturology, regional geography and linguistic geography.
Conclusion: There may be a need to put emphasis on a new section of linguistics – dialect onomastics.

Keywords:  cognitive onomastics, dialect words, representation of onomastic knowledge, nickname surnames

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Pages:  18-22

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