All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  Khudyakova, O.S.

Affiliation:  Siberian Federal University

Abstract:  The study is aimed at revealing various manifestations of orientational language function via the hypertexts of the English-speaking blogosphere. The author analyzed texts of the blogs from the point of view of application of conventional and specific cognitive-communicative phenomena such as metaphor, metonymy, neologisms, abbreviations, erratic and striking out mechanisms, memes, emoticones etc.
It is assumed that the orientational language impact initially has a very complex, multifaceted nature. This impact may be implemented explicitly and implicitly in a variety of spheres by using dif-ferent cognitive and communicative means, the choice of which is thought to be dependent on extralinguistic factors of communication as well as the aims and views of the author.
The results of the study reveal that the number of orientational spheres analyzed may include cognitive-informative, affective, valuation and phatic spheres, as a self-other relationship.

Keywords:  orientational language impact, blog, blogosphere, hypertext, cognitive-communicative phenomena

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Pages:  47-53

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