All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  Demyankov, V.Z.

Affiliation:  Institute of Linguistics of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)

Abstract:  Intellectual evolution consists not only in inventing new techniques of studying objects but also in promoting and presenting both novel and traditional views. Creating scholarly texts people rely on different techniques of presenting emergent views. The author shows that these techniques themselves may be an object of empirical linguistic investigation. Different types of knowledge transfer may be identified, e.g.: (a) transfer of empirical and/or theoretic facts concerning the objects of study, (b) transfer of attitudes and preferences in the choice of theoretical and empirical approaches and in the practice of problem solving. Cognitive-linguistic analysis of scientific progress helps us to classify different linguistic means used to this end, i.e. “linguistic techniques” of knowledge transfer. Thus scholars belonging to different schools and generations have certain preferences for the use of different means when showing (a) explanatory power, (b) degree of novelty and superiority of new solutions, (c) borderlines between the previous and the actual methods, (d) interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary features of new ideas, objectivity of the findings, and (e) paradoxes and falsity of common views to be refutated.

Keywords:  intellectual revolution, linguistic techniques of knowledge transfer

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