All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  Kostrova O.A.

Affiliation:  Samara State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities

Abstract:  The paper continues the author’s series of articles about stereotypes in scientific and professional discourse discussing the notion of stereotypes and the issues of perceiving them in German culture. In this paper, the author introduces the notion of essential nominations. These nominations indicate stereotypical understanding of nonliteral or inexplicit sense based on common or analogical cognitive background. In the framework of cognitive and inference pragmatics we analyze essential nominations including personal names, place names or their derivatives, and some status names from the point of view of receiving them in German culture. 
Analysis of these nominations shows convincingly that the notions they sign indicate in our minds more or less stable features understood as essential characteristics. Recipients enrich essential nominations with such features. Recursion of these features in various discursive contexts or their implicit presence in communicants’ mental space testifies to stereotypical perception of them in any lingua-culture. Thus, the way of perceiving a nomination but not a nomination itself is stereotypical. 
Further research may deal with other essential nominations, for example, nominations of persons according to their position. Nonetheless interesting is change of focus in stereotyped perception. Finally yet importantly, political discourse analysis may reveal deliberately formed false stereotypes aiming at misinformation.

Keywords:  essential nomination, inference, stereotypical reception, cognitive background

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Pages:  133-142

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