All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”

THE CONCEPT OF POLYSITUATIVITY: POTENTIAL FOR RESEARCH (exemplified by the semantic analysis of the Russian verb ponavypisyvat’)

THE CONCEPT OF POLYSITUATIVITY: POTENTIAL FOR RESEARCH (exemplified by the semantic analysis of the Russian verb ponavypisyvat’)

Author:  Lebedeva N.B.

Affiliation:  Kemerovo State University

Abstract:  This paper proposes that cognitive semantics of linguistic units has a polysituative structure. It presents a semantic study of a Russian verb that has a compressive nature and describes actions in a detailed way. It is argued that this verb has a “condensed” informative structure consisting of diverse semantic units. The basic element of polysituativity is a situateme, i.e. a cognitive unit that includes a number of situations realized both explicitly and implicitly.
A method of situation-event-proposition analysis is offered to describe situatemes. 
The paper consists of three parts. The first part substantiates polysituative approach within the contemporary scientific paradigm. The second elaborates the situateme as a basic polysituative unit whose content is presented at three levels, namely as a lexicalized situation, at the macro and micro levels. Based on their involvement in the communicative focus of nuclear and peripheral situations, situatemes are classified into prospective, retrospective and intraspective. The third part studies a Russian polyprefixal verb with a cumulative meaning, ponavypisyvat’, to demonstrate the research potential of the polysituative approach. A certain algorithm is employed to identify the cognitive structure of the verb’s semantics. The concept and method of polysituative analysis can be applied to other linguistic units, including texts.

Keywords:  cognitive structures, verbal semantics, polysituativity, typology

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Pages:  122-132

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