All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  Pesina S.A.

Affiliation:  Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosov

Abstract:  Basing our observations on the theory of eidos in phenomenology, we introduced the concept of lexical eidos as a construct consisting of the most important universal semantic components, which are determined intuitively in the phenomenological reduction and remain constant, composing a semantic formula of words or expressions. 
Phenomenological analysis is not based on natural language, but ideal language which is able to be a carrier of ideal meanings – lexical eidos representing typical structures or essences. For this purpose it’s necessary to release from the spatio-temporal definiteness of an object and then state its noetic essence (eidos) by means of free fantasy generation. Herewith as if a totally new objectness is created - the universal, confirming the thesis that thinking process takes place in generalizations passing by numerous means through the specific to the general and from the general through the specific to the singular. 
In the practical part of the article we offer an analysis of a polysemantic word tree using the component analysis. Knowledge of the obtained lexical semantic formula of words helps to avoid the need to keep all the figurative meanings of a word in mind. Obtained during the phenomenological analysis the lexical eidos is devoid of any subjective components. This abstract semantic core (lexical
 eidos) covers virtually all the meanings of the analyzed semantics of a word.

Keywords:  lexical eidos, phenomenology, noema, polysemantic word, semantic core

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Pages:  120-127

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