All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  Magomedova S.M.

Affiliation:  Dagestan State University

Abstract:  The article is devoted to the cognitive analysis of metaphors representing anger in the Avarian language. The study of conceptual metaphors in Avar (which has not been conducted yet) gives an opportunity to find out the means of conceptualization of emotional world by the representatives of the given linguoculture. 
In modern lingustics the emphasis is laid upon studying language facts in close connection with culture and mentality of native speakers. As a linguistic and cognitive phenomenon conceptual metaphor agrees with the concrete linguoculture, bearing the specific impact of conceptual system of a particular ethnos. 
The research of metaphors of the field of anger reveals that the target domain «anger» is mapped on such source domains, as a container, a substance, elements, liquid/ hot liquid/ boiling, an enemy, a beast, bitter/bile, fire, a bomb, unhingement of reason, physical thing. 
This metaphorization of anger is reflected in the language due to special word compatibility and it exposes the idioethnicity of the Avarian mentality.
The results of the investigation will contribute to the general theory of conceptual metaphor and, futhermore, they can be used in comparative researches.

Keywords:  conceptual metaphor, emotion, Avarian language, target domain, source domain, idioethnicity of mentality, emotive world view

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Pages:  107-114

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