All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  B.Ch. Oorzhak

Affiliation:  Tuvan State University (Kyzyl, Russia)

Abstract:  The article is an attempt to describe the representation of reality by means of the present grammar – temporary forms of the present indicative in the Tuvan language. Morphological forms expressing grammatical time are special means of representing a conceptual content, they are rolled meanings of mental reflection of the image as a fragment of reality. The author carried out the analysis using a representative conceptual method.
In Tuvan the reality of the moment appears in the first place: the existence of certain actions, events, and processes occur at the time of the speech as an objective fact of reality. This value is expressed in the form of the actual time. Second, the reality of action at the present time is represented as the presence of certain recurring and / or existing for a long time, as well as well-known, turning into common usage, actions, the performance of which can not be doubted. Third, the reality of the action in real time is based on the perceptual sensations of the speaker – the speaker is thus a source of information on the availability of action at the present time. This value is transferred to the grammatical forms of perceptual present.
Thus, the present reality in the Tuvan language is perceived as the existence of a certain urgent action not only at the time of the speech, but also during the time covering a certain length of the past and future. In addition, the reality of action at the present time is based on the perceptual sensations of the speaker. The moment of the subjectivity value in the latter case is supported by the reliability and certified activities (testified action).

Keywords:  Tuvan language, conceptual system, the reality, temporary forms of the present time, the objective reality, the reality testified

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Elektronnyy korpus tuvinskogo yazyka URL: http://www.tuvancorpus.ru

Pages:  150-157

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