All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  S.V. Kiselijeva, T.S. Rosyanova

Affiliation:  1 - Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics, 2 - Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, North-west institute of management

Abstract:  The article discusses issues related to the study of modern English economic concepts. Achievments of cognitive terminology study allow us to analyze the semantic structure of the business concepts and their representation in specialized scientific journals. Modern cognitive research conducted in the light of the anthropocentric approach, makes it possible to study the peculiarities of human knowledge through the analysis of language units. Conceptual sphere of economic relations presented by diverse lexical means is an important segment in the mental space of society. The focus of this paper is the MARKETING concept, which is included in the conceptual sphere of economic relations. Any concept has a complex and multi-dimensional structure. So, there are three common types of structural concepts: single-level, multi-level and segmentary. Conceptual information is considered in this case as the result of human cognitive activity and as meaningful information that has become a product of human knowledge processing and structuring. For the concepts operating in professional communication, nuclear cognitive features should be sought in the conceptual dimension and the main substantive components of the business concepts are in the corresponding professional terminology. English economic terminology, as well as its concepts, plays a significant role in the development of civilizational ideas about rational organization and management of the economy and the economic well-being of society. The article notes that the conducted study of twelve levels of MARKETING concept shows that its formation and development is intense, but manageable. The structure of the semantic space, concentrated in the concept MARKETING, is composed by interconnected levels, which are the result of the efforts of the professional community.

Keywords:  concept, concept-sphere of economic relations, the structure of the concept, term, terminology, cognitive terminology study, English marketing terminology.

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Pages:  12-21

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