All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  G.K. Aupova, S.K. Kenzhemuratova, A.S. Albekova

Affiliation:  1 - L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2,3 - S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

Abstract:  The subject matter of the present article is the problem of representing sociocultural knowledge of prestigious behavior of the members of “one’s own” group in the sociocultural concept RESPECTABILITY. The aim of the article: the analysis of the sociocultural concept realizing sociocultural sense “respectability” by identification of verbal and nonverbal markers of symbolic behavior, the description of semiotic function of cultural signs. The authors used a complex methodological paradigm appealing to a sociocognitive approach and cognitive and functional principles, while focusing on the following methods: modeling, sociodiscursive, conceptual analysis. In the course of the research the authors received the following result: they characterized the sociocultural concept RESPECTABILITY; carried out a layer-by-layer structural conceptual analysis, used the technique of the sociocultural discourse analysis; construed the model of the sociocultural concept RESPECTABILITY; described verbal and nonverbal markers of prestigious behavior that receive importance and a certain sociocultural sense; revealed distancing of sociocultural relations “self” – “other” and semiotic functions of the cultural artifacts used for the purpose of alienating prestigious forms of culture in a situation of a symbolic interactionism. In the summary it should be noted that the analysis of the sociocultural concept RESPECTABILITY allows not only to reveal the sociocultural knowledge represented in this concept but also to find out sociocultural sense of the social and symbolic sign receiving other meaning and conceptualizing the notion “respectability” in the meaning “prestigious behavior” distancing a “self” group from “other”.

Keywords:  social symbolism, semiotic function, sociocultural model, concept, knowledge.

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Pages:  5-11

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