All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  O.V. Nagel, A.S. Bub, I.G.Temnikova

Affiliation:  Tomsk State University

Abstract:  The research is aimed at the study of morphological processing in Russian. Age of acquisition and token word frequency are discussed in terms of their correlation and contribution to word processing in Russian. We hypothesize that the word, word base and morpheme (derivational model) age of acquisition is crucial in the development of language creativity and speech comprehension and production in Russian and, along with frequency, interfere with the derivative processing. The authors study Russian suffixed words (syncretic derivatives) comprising one specific semantic derivational group in Russian derivational system using linguistic, psycholinguistic and behavioral methods for data collection and analysis. The idea that perception of Russian syncretic derivatives follows the decompositional pattern is supported by the results of the study. Linear correlation analysis of the frequency and age of acquisition parameters of the Russian syncretic derivatives reveals that the age of acquisition rather than frequency affects the word recognition speed within the material discussed (syncretic derivatives). Thus, the results seem to challenge the long-held belief that the key role of frequency in word processing is out of the question.

Keywords:  Russian derivational morphology, word processing, frequency, age of acquisition.

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Pages:  150-159

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