All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  E.V. Senko

Affiliation:  North-Ossetian State University

Abstract:  The article deals with the basic stages of forming the concept NEW WORD. As one of the important components of the modern scientific conceptsphere the concept NEW WORD directly relates to both the development of linguistic structure and systems and the development of correlative social concepts. Purpose – to consider the dynamics of the concept based on the available means of lexical representation and identify the basic conceptual attributes at different stages of the diachronic development. Analyzing the logic of the conceptualization, conditioned by the content of the etymon, the diachronic nature of the semantic structure of the word neologism, the vector of the described conceptual dynamics, the author comes to the conclusion about the need of including traits of a cognitive character in the definition of the lexical representation of the concept in view. In accordance with this approach, the semantic structure of the word neologism should include the following semes: development, time, space, knowledge. Translation neology cognitive framework should provide a solution to some of the theoretical issues related to the process of updating the lexical system of modern Russian language. Such an approach is consistent with the ontological essence of the concept NEW WORD and allows us to convincingly define its content and scope.

Keywords:  concept, new word, neologism, semantic structure, seme, development, knowledge.

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Pages:  104-109

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