All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  T.A. Litvinova, O.V. Zagorovskaya, P.V. Seredin

Affiliation:  National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute

Abstract:  Text is a product of speech and cognition and thus is reflective of mental activities of its authors as well as their gender. The article looks into the identification of gender of authors of written texts using the analysis of quantitative parameters typical of any text regardless of the genre and subject matter and impossible to consciously control as well as imitate, which is of tremendous importance for forensic linguistics in particular. The authors show that there are a lot of data collected by researchers in this country regarding differences between texts by males and females, but there has not been much effort made to study the identification of gender of a text’s author. We set forth a fairly accurate approach that enables the identification of gender of authors of Russian texts. It employs a representative text corpus, mathematical statistics methods, automatic text processing. Using it, we were able to identify a number of features of cognitive activities of males and females which are indicated by quantitative parameters of their texts. This approach is shown to become more effective if a wider range of linguistic parameters are used and features indicative of gender are looked at considering individual traits of authors (feminity/masculinity, lateral brain organization, etc.) to provide a more complete insight into gender-specific cognitive features of authors of texts.

Keywords:  corpus, corpus linguistics, gender, authorship profiling, mathematical linguistics.

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Pages:  51-59

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