All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  A.S. Shcherbak

Affiliation:  Derzhavin Tambov State University

Abstract:  The object of examination is an onomastic category as a conceptual-linguistic category. It is formed on the basis of linguistic and non-linguistic (encyclopedic) knowledge. The objective of the article is to reveal a cognitive aspect of the specificity of urban address objects, the peculiarities of which display themselves differently in language and speech. The use of general linguistic, cognitive and onomastic methods allows stating that the language mechanism of the specificity manifestation is a secondary word-formative nomination. As a result of it the onomastic language fund is filled up due to the potential of nominative features, already existing in the language, in a new nomination function (the whole nominative man’s activity proceeds in reliance on language units ready and already known from the previous experience). The cognitive specificity of urbonyms is reflected in the secondary categorization. The formation of a new conceptual structure, represented by urbonyms, takes place. It is found out that, talking about onomastic nomination, one should proceed from the factor of proper names belonging to language and speech. The onomastic nomination (as part of a toponymic nomination) reflects the relatedness of the nomination of address linear objects, for example to a person, historical event or to special notion. The consideration of urbonyms in the aspect of conceptual-linguistic category makes a certain contribution to the development of the methodology of cognitive research of particular classes of proper names. It broadens scientific concepts about the specificity of onomastic categorization, cognitive foundations of onymization and onomastic representation.

Keywords:  urbonym, conceptual linguistic category, language-speech units.

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Shherbak A.S. Bazovye polozheniya teorii kognitivnoj onomastiki // Kognitivnye issledovaniya yazyka. 2013. Vyp. 14. S. 143-148.

Pages:  110-113

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