All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  A.G. Shirokolobova

Affiliation:  T.F. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University

Abstract:  The current stage of terminology development can be characterized as studying terms with cognitive point of view, when terms cognitive function is put into the forefront, and this function is defined as formation and accumulation of the results of learning things essence and phenomena in specific concepts, reflecting cognition processes. Therefore the article focuses on the technique of complex comparative analysis of Russian and English hydro-technical term systems, developed by the author. The technique allows comparing the stages of language processing fragments of scientific knowledge and following the regularities of Russian and English cultures representatives’ mental processes, which are reflected in the studied term systems.
The concept analysis of hydro-technical term system was firstly conducted in the given research. The structural and semantic analysis of hydro-technical terms allows determining the typical methods of terms nomination for representing each concept. The frame analysis observes the conceptual connections of hydro-technical term systems. A complex procedure of comparative analysis is developed to establish the basic laws of nomination, reflecting the national, linguistic, cultural, and cognitive features of the representatives of English and Russian cultures. Therefore, the technique shows consistently nominative activity in human consciousness.

Keywords:  term, term system, concept, frame, cognitive approach, comparative studies

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URL: http://www.etymonline.com/
URL: http://oxforddictionaries.com/
URL: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/
URL: http://www.glossary.ru/

Pages:  108-120

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