All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  A.L. Sharandin

Affiliation:  Derzhavin Tambov State University

Abstract:  Both interpretation and reflection are viewed as cognitive properties of human mind and the main functions of language. Knowledge is traditionally defined as a person’s cognitive activity. Interpretation (alongside with reflection) represented in the system of cognition, includes life, art and scientific knowledge.
The author examines the results of the interpretative function of the language interacted with knowledge representation which reflect the peculiarities of conceptualizing and categorizing the world in language.
Life knowledge mirrors the rational world interpretation coloured with emotion and assessment. Religious knowledge – the irrational interpretation enriched with heart-and-soul attachment to what a human creature believes in. In art knowledge the interpretational potential appears the richest since it is embedded in the author’s individual, often whimsical, world perception. Interpretation of scientific knowledge realizes logic and reason which permit describing the subject matter of interpretation as true and real.
The author defines the interpretational differences in language semantics of a word and its forms from the point of view of knowledge formed as a result of conceptualization and being in urgent need in communication.

Keywords:  consciousness, comprehension, reflection, interpretation, knowledge, types of knowledge,
linguistic representation

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Pages:  10-18

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